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Gorgeous new collars coming for the girls’ visit with Santa and @jtaylorphotos next weekend!

Wild Saturday night… 😴

#affluentdogs #letsleepingdogslie #browndog #comfycozy #dogssleeping #dogblog #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Having three dogs and doing oodles of #laundry, I knew I needed to clean my dryer vent, but I didn’t know just how much I really NEEDED to do it! 

Have you cleaned your dryer vent lately? 

Check out my new post on the #dogblog Dryer Vent Cleaning For Pet Owners for tips on how to tackle this dirty job!  Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #dogmomproblems #lifewithlabs #dirtyjobs #safetyfirst #sofreshsoclean #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
It’s a sunny, cold day and Ruby’s sporting a brand new collar! 😎

#affluentdogs #newcollar #dogfashions #browndog #lifewithlabs #shopsmall #chsdog #lowcountrydog #dogblog
Christmas🎄may be less than two weeks away, but we’re already testing Valentine’s Day 💕 collars! 

#affluentdogs #mydogismyvalentine #bestdresseddog #handmadecollar #shopsmall #chsdogs #lowcountrydog #chocolatelabsquad #dogblog
Christmas Collars are stocked at @sweetgrassmercantile and in my Etsy shop! 🎄🎅🦌

#affluentdogs #bestdresseddog #christmasisnear #chsdogs #lowcountrydog #shoplocal #shopsmall #dogcollaraddict #dogcollarshandmade #dogblog
Feelin’ #spooky. Might delete later. 

I put all the girls in their new #halloween collars today. Ruby is sporting spooky #spiders on hers!

Get yours locally at @sweetgrassmercantile or order online from my Etsy collar shop! Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #dogblog #halloweenspirit #itsspookyseason #shoplocal #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness #dogcollars #handmade #handcraftedcollars #dogfashion #bestdresseddog #newcollar #charlestonsmallbusiness #dogmomlifestyle #doggifts #bougiedog #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Summer ain’t over yet!  I picked up a sugar baby #watermelon from @williesroadsidemarket so I could make a frozen #toppl treat for the girls! 

More to come on that, but you can still grab a watermelon #collar in my Etsy collar shop!

#affluentdogs #dogblog #summertime #handcraftedcollars #dogfashion #bestdresseddog #newcollar #shopsmall #dogmomlife #doggifts #charlestonsmallbusiness #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Sushi anyone? 🍣 

Get yours in my Etsy collar shop!

#affluentdogs #dogblog #handcraftedcollars #dogfashion #bestdresseddog #newcollar #sushinight #sushirolls #shopsmall #dogmomlife #charlestonsmallbusiness #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Ruby’s face when I told her she won’t actually get any chocolate bunnies for Easter 😒😂

Affluent Dogs handcrafted collars are now on Etsy.  Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #dogblog #handcraftedcollars #dogfashion #easterbest #easterready #bestdresseddog #dogmomlife #dogmomaf #chocolatelabsofinstagram #charlestonsmallbusiness #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Do you know the Heimlich Maneuver for dogs?  Do you REALLY??

Lemon is OK, but please, please, please do yourself a favor and check out What To Do If Your Dog Is Choking on the #dogblog today.

Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs 

#affluentdogs #heimlich #dogfirstaid #practicemakesperfect #alwaysbeprepared #dogmomproblems #lifewithlabs #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
How often are you thinking of your dog’s teeth? 🦷 Pro tip…probably not often enough! 

February is Pet Dental Health Month and these girls are all scheduled for a cleaning with @cutleranimalhospital 

Check out Your Dog’s Dental Health on the #dogblog for more info. Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #petdental #petdentalhealth #dogdentalcare #pearlywhites #dogmomlife #lifewithlabs #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Ready or not (I’m not BTW), the holidays are in full swing!

Check out the #dogblog to see my picks on Last Minute Stocking Stuffers For Dogs and Dog Parents that are sure to be well received!  Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #christmasiscoming🎄 #stockingstuffers #lastminuteshopping #lastminutegifts #christmascheer #santapaws #giftsfordogs #giftsfordoglovers #dogmom #dogdad #holidayshopping #giftingseason #dogmomma #rescuedogmom #dogmomaf  #bestlife #mykidshavepaws #mychildrenbark #lifewithlabs #spoiledbutnotrotten #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Thanksgiving is almost here! Let’s talk turkey. 🦃 

And by turkey, I mean Thanksgiving safety tips for dogs.  What to feed, what not to feed, and a little common sense to keep your pups safe this holiday!  Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #thanksgiving #thankful #dogsafety #dogfriendly #dogmomlife #dogmomproblems #dogpeople #lifewithlabs #mykidshavepaws #mychildrenbark #dogblog #bestlife #saltypaws #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Y’all know I love dog friendly home design. 

Today on the #dogblog I’m sharing five of my Dog Friendly Home Design Favorites.  Link in bio 👉 @affluentdogs 

Paws up to my friend @pennietheweenie for modeling my artificial turf dream yard! 🤩

#affluentdogs #dogfriendlyhomedesign #propertydesign #itsadogslife #dogmomlife #rescuedogmom #spoiledbutnotrotten #bestlife #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
Did you know September is National Pet Health Insurance month? 

If you’re in the market for #petinsurance, have you considered @lemonade_pet ?

Check out my review of Lemonade Pet Insurance over on the #dogblog to learn which options you need, and which you don’t. Link in profile 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #lifewithlabs #dogmomlife #dogmomproblems #alwaysprepared #chsdogs #lowcountrydog #pethealth #pethealthcare
SOMEONE’S dog door privileges have been suspended, which means we all suffer. 😒

#affluentdogs #molehunter #notthegoodestgirltoday #dogmomproblems #dogmomlife
#dogdoor #murderdoor #dogblog #dogfriendlyhomedesign #lifewithlabs #chsdogs #lowcountrydog
It’s #toppltuesday and guess who’s ready for it?! 

My new @westpawus #topplrecipe is not only healthy and delicious (good for my pups), but it’s easy (good for me)! 

Check it out!  The Skinny Chunky Monkey recipe is now on the #dogblog at the link in my bio 👉 @affluentdogs

#affluentdogs #treatyoself #chunkymonkey #instagramvsreality #dogmom #bestlife #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #lifewithlabs #chsdogs #lowcountrydog #toppl #topplrecipes #westpawdesign #pbfit #dogenrichment #canineenrichment #enrichmentfordogs