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Slow Feed Options For Dogs Eating Too Fast
At meal time, do you blink and your dog’s food is already gone? I will admit, at first, it seems like fun and games. You marvel at just how quickly your dog inhales a meal, give them silly nicknames like “Hoover,”…

What To Do If Your Dog Is Choking
You may think you know what to do if your dog is choking. But do you really? As a dog parent, I cannot emphasize this enough: You should not only know of the Heimlich Maneuver for dogs, but you need to get comfortable with performing it. The Panic Is Real When Your Dog Is Choking…

Your Dog’s Dental Health
February is National Pet Dental Health Month, so now is the perfect time for some reminders about your dog’s dental health. First and foremost, if you’re only thinking of your dog’s dental health annually, or even monthly, you’re doing it wrong! What is Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease impacts your dog the same way it can…

Last Minute Stocking Stuffers for Dogs and Dog Parents
The holiday season is in full swing! Have you finished your shopping yet? I’m coming in hot with some last minute stocking stuffers for the the dogs and dog parents in your life! Dog Tag Clip If you’re like me, your dog has a collar for every season, and every holiday. Can you believe I…

Dog Friendly Home Design Favorites
Having a dog friendly home doesn’t mean letting your home go to the dogs. Quite the contrary! My favorite dog friendly home design ideas are dual purpose. They serve not only to meet your dog’s needs, but they add a level of style and convenience for busy dog moms (and dog dads too). Dog Washing…

Is Lemonade Legitimate Pet Insurance?
In a word, yes! Lemonade is legitimate pet insurance. So if you’ve recently added a new pet to your family, Lemonade Pet Insurance is well worth your consideration. Lemonade uses artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and a flat fee profit model. These things allow for comprehensive coverage options at an affordable price, as well as…

Healthy West Paw Toppl Recipe: Skinny Chunky Monkey
Have y’all seen those West Paw Toppl recipe posts on Instagram for #toppltuesday? They are so creative! I liken them to a fancy blood mary with literally ALL the garnish. I’m so impressed by these creations, but…who has time for that?! If you’re looking for an easy and healthy West Paw Toppl recipe, you’ve come…